Saturday, March 7, 2009

Working In Crunchtime

It's almost presentation day! We are working hard to get everything working properly. We have successfully mounted one stepper motor on top of the other, both of which are responding in the correct direction (and seemingly correct magnitude) when given inputs by the webcam. We created a infrared emitter to test the system with, which we will most likely be using come Senior Design Expo Day. We have placed this onto our make-shift stage, and used its proportions to kind of finalize our project's layout (knowing exactly where the stepper motors will be, the camera's location, the "stage area").

Things left to do:
-Mount flashlight onto stepper motor. We bought a relatively cheap flashlight, and wouldn't you know it, it breaks right before testing of it could occur. Purchase of a new one has already occurred, so this problem will be resolve ASAP.
-Make the connections for the second set of stepper motors. Our project intended to have two spotlights shine on the stage. Now that we know the first one works, we will now adjust our code and system to incorporate the second one.
-Mounting of the webcam. We will have to secure the webcam in place, at a fixed height from the stage.
-Increase lag time. Though the system seems to react as expected, there is still the matter of a 2 second pause time between each rotation of the spotlight. We hope to be able to improve this.

The following is a video of our tests with the infrared emitter. Though not the best of quality, does show the basic operation of the system, as well as our layout.

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